sedźu pola mje

a dźěła so mi dźensa nochcy
hačrunjež so zady chrěbjeta
hromada jenož takle kopi

čuju so tak lóchka lóchka kaž pěrko
słónco so mi směje směwa so mi do wobliča
do wobliča

myslu jenož na tebje
dźeń a wote dnja
šmjatańca we hłowje
jenož tebje dla
myslu jenož na tebje
dźeń a wote dnja
šmjatańca we hłowje
jenož tebje dla

ja dyrbju won
wšako słónco derje měni
zmachi pod pažu
a runu smuhu do stolicy

tam wabi wjele
móžnosće su wulke
ale štož ja chcu sy ty
a ja

myslu jenož na tebje
dźeń a wote dnja
šmjatańca we hłowje
jenož tebje dla
myslu jenož na tebje
dźeń a wote dnja
šmjatańca we hłowje
jenož tebje dla

jenož tebje dla - only because of you

i’m at my place
and can’t be bothered to work
although behind my back
the heaps are piling up

i feel so light as light as a feather
the sun is laughing laughing into my face

i only think of you
day and night
chaos in my head
only because of you

i have to get out
because the sun means well
packed a few things
and straight into the city

many things are tempting there
possibilities are countless
but what i want is you
and i

only think of you
day and night
chaos in my head
only because of you